MAST By-Laws
- The name of the organization shall be Midwest
Area Science and Technology (also known as
MAST).The legacy name is Madison-Area Science
and Technology.
- Repealed.
- MAST is a nonprofit citizen science organization
whose mission is to support scientific research
without regard to credentials, to support
a scientifically informed public, and to
perform tasks of a scientific nature on behalf
of the public.
- The MAST headquarters shall be determined
by the Board of Directors (see below).
- The current headquarters is located at 512
Withworth, Kingsford, Michigan.
- The Officers are appointed by the Board of
Directors. The appointment of an officer
takes place at a meeting of the Board of
Directors. Duties of said officer are to
begin immediately upon appointment and
continue until the officer resigns or until
they are removed by majority vote of the
- The Board of Directors shall be composed
of the following officers: President, Secretary,
Research Projects Coordinator, and Treasurer.
- The President is responsible for strategic
planning, day-to-day operations, and personnel.
- The Secretary is responsible for all filings
required, all documentation, and record
- The Treasurer is responsible for all financial
matters and reports.
- The Research Projects Coordinator shall be
responsible for MAST research projects,
grant proposals, and keeping track of those
member projects requiring an application
for research grants.
- Vacancies on the Board shall be the responsibility
of The President. Such vacancies must be
filled as soon as possible by qualified
from the membership.
- Bylaws can only be changed by unanimous vote
of the Board of Directors.
- Membership in MAST costs $10 per year, life
memberships are $100. These membership fees
are non-refundable.
- Repealed.
- MAST membership allows access to any MAST
project of interest, use of local laboratory
facilities, and the ability to take MAST
courses online and/or in person (at a reduced
cost, if any).
- Unless otherwise specified any paid member
may vote on issues pending at a meeting.
- Meetings shall be held at the location of
the headquarters or at another location as
specified by the Board of Directors. Meetings
can also be held by electronic means.
- Business meetings shall be held on the second
Saturday of January, April, July, and October,
or as otherwise specified by the Board
- Awards for participation in a project shall
be determined by the relevant documents for
the project in question.
- The Board of Directors shall approve the
use of MAST equipment and resources for research
or educational purposes by any Member if
the Member has made a successful proposal
to the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors shall issue educational
certifications in accord with existing MAST
procedures as specified in the web pages,
"MAST Educational Programs." These
can be found from the home page by clicking
on Educational programs for science hobbyists.
- MAST shall receive 5% of any grant/donation
received in its name for administration
that grant/donation.
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