Botany Learning Projects (BOT)

Certificate Programs

We have the following certificate programs under Botany:

Botanical Practitioner Certificate (BTPC)

Must already have an SAC.

BOT 1 + BOT 2 + 2 electrives + 2 research projects.

Suggested Electives: ARCH 1 Introduction to Archaeology, ATMS 1 Introduction to Atmospheric Science, BIMS 1, Introduction to Biomedical Science, CMB 1 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology, CHEM 1 Chemistry, CS 1 Introduction to Computer Science, ECT 1 Introduction to Electronics, ESCI 1 Introduction to Engineering Science, ENVS 1 Introduction to Environmental Science, FRS 1 Introduction to Forensic Science, GEO 1 Introduction to Geology, HYDR 1 Introduction to Hydrology, MATH 1 Mathematics, MICR 1 Introduction to Microbiology, OCN 1 Introduction to Oceanography, PHYS 1 Physics, or ZOO 1 Introduction to Zoology.

Learning Projects

BOT 1: Introduction to Botany

Lesson 1: Plant biochemistry. Lesson 2: Plant cell biology. Lesson 3: Plant genetics. Lesson 4: Plant tissues. Lesson 5: Plant organ systems. Lesson 6: Plant physiology. Lesson 7: Plant diseases. Lesson 8: Plant development. Lesson 9: Plant communities. Lesson 10: Plant populations.

BIMS 2: Basic Methods of Botany

Lesson 1: The laboratory. Lesson 2: Laboratory safety. Lesson 3: Laboratory techniques. Lesson 4: Field botany. Lesson 5: Photography and digital photography. Lesson 6: Data acquisition. Lesson 7: Data analysis. Lesson 8: Error analysis. Lesson 9: Botanical modeling. Lesson 10: Botanical data on the Internet.

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