Elementary Practical Science

For each conceptual goal develop at least one page of notes, for each capability come up with at least three examples.

A Note About Computer Algebra Systems: I strongly advise the purchase of Mathematica Home Edition, it is about $300 and is an important addition to any amateur scientist's toolbox. From here on I will assume that you are using Mathematica. There are free computer algebra systems that you can use.

Unit 1: Introduction to Doing Mathematics and Science

Once you have some idea of what science is all about, how do you actually go about doing it?



Useful Exercise

Useful Sources of Study

Unit 2: Problem-Solving

Being able to solve problems is at the heart of all scientific and mathematical work.


Unit 1 Elementary Mathematics and Science: Introduction to Mathematics and Science, and Unit 1 Elementary Practical Science: Introduction to Doing Science, and Unit 1 Independent Study: Introduction to Studying Mathematics and Science.



Useful Sources of Study

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