Archaeology Projects


Archaeology is the scientific study of ancient artifacts with the goal of discovering clues about the socieities from which the artifacts originate.

Project Ideas


  1. Ancient Writing
  2. Archaeological Collection
  3. Cultural Archaeology
  4. Development of Civilization
  5. Excavation of Archaeological Sites
  6. Fossil Homonids
  7. Heredity
  8. Historical Archaeology
  9. Landscape Survey
  10. Mapping
  11. Museum Studies
  12. Prehistoric Art


  1. African Archaeology
  2. Aging
  3. Ancient Maya
  4. Animal Bones and Teeth
  5. Archaeoastronomy
  6. Archaeological Computing
  7. Archaeological Survey
  8. Archival Research
  9. Artifact Analysis
  10. Artifact Sourcing
  11. Biosocial Evolution
  12. Central America
  13. Chronology
  14. Circumpolar Peoples
  15. Comparative Religion
  16. Culture Change
  17. Death and Dying
  18. Development of Settled Villages
  19. Domesticated Economies
  20. Domestication of Animals
  21. East Asia
  22. Egypt
  23. Ethnoarchaeology
  24. Europe
  25. Field Conservation
  26. Funerals
  27. Grief
  28. Human Adaptation
  29. Human Biology
  30. Human Dispersal
  31. Human Genetics
  32. Human Origins
  33. Human Paleontology
  34. Human Variation
  35. Hunter-Gatherers
  36. Latin America
  37. Linguistic Analysis
  38. Mediterranean
  39. Mesoamerica
  40. Middle East
  41. Mortuary Analysis
  42. North America
  43. Oceania
  44. Osteology
  45. Osteometry
  46. Pacific
  47. Palynology
  48. Primatology
  49. Racial Biology
  50. Regional Archaeology
  51. Shamanism
  52. Sickness
  53. Soils
  54. South America
  55. South Asia
  56. South Pacific
  57. Souteast Asia
  58. Standing Building Surveys
  59. Stone Age
  60. Stratigraphy
  61. Technology Development
  62. Technology-Envirponment Relationship


  1. Aerial Archaeology
  2. Anthropogenic Depositions
  3. Bioarchaeology
  4. Biogenic Depositions
  5. Biomechanics of Muscle and Bone
  6. Ceramics
  7. Collecting
  8. Craniofacial Growth and Function
  9. Dental Morphology
  10. Dental Patholgy
  11. Deposition Environments
  12. DNA Analysis
  13. Exhibition
  14. Fossil Hominids
  15. Geophysical Survey
  16. GIS
  17. Human Evolution
  18. Human Muscular and Skeletal Development
  19. Human Paleontology
  20. Ice Core Analysis
  21. Language Change
  22. Language Diversity
  23. Language Maintenance
  24. Language Use
  25. Material Analysis of Buildings
  26. Origins of Agriculture
  27. Phytoliths
  28. Preservation
  29. Psycholinguistics
  30. Quaternary Chronology
  31. Radioisotope Dating
  32. Reconstruction of Diet
  33. Reconstruction of Environment
  34. Reconstruction of Political Systems
  35. Reconstruction of Trade
  36. Sediments
  37. Site Formation
  38. Soils


  1. Deep-Sea Archaeology
  2. Human Origins
  3. Lead Isotope Chemistry of Metallic Artifacts
  4. Lithic Analysis
  5. Microscopic Osteology
  6. Radiography
  7. Remote-Sensing Archaeology
  8. Spatio-Temporal Mapping
  9. Stable Isotope Chemistry of Foods

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