Read about forces in a good encyclopedia. Come up with a question about forces based on your reading and find the answer to it. Support your answer with facts and list the source of those facts. Use the answer to ask at least three more questions. Determine the answers to each of those questions. For each new answer ask at least three new questions and find those answers. For each new answer ask at least three new questions and find those answers.
Read about torque in a good encyclopedia. Come up with a question about torques based on your reading and find the answer to it. Support your answer with facts and list the source of those facts. Use the answer to ask at least three more questions. Determine the answers to each of those questions. For each new answer ask at least three new questions and find those answers. For each new answer ask at least three new questions and find those answers.
Read about equilibrium in a good encyclopedia. Come up with a question about equilibrium based on your reading and find the answer to it. Support your answer with facts and list the source of those facts. Use the answer to ask at least three more questions. Determine the answers to each of those questions. For each new answer ask at least three new questions and find those answers. For each new answer ask at least three new questions and find those answers.
Define static equilibrium.
Make an exhibit demonstrating the nature of static equilibrium.
Build an apparatus to determine tensions and/or other types of forces relevant to static equilibrium.
Measure the forces present on a mechanical system to determine what is needed to achieve static equilibrium.
Make a computer model that will predict the forces and torques required for static equilibrium.
Design, construct, and perform an experiment to verify the predictions of the requirements for static equilibrium for a mechancial system.
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