Curves and Arc Length
George E. Hrabovsky
Rocky Wenz
James Firmiss
Dianna Hrabovsky
Last time we began to explore Mathematica functionality towards a lofting application. This allowed us to establish surface representations using Delauney Trinagulations. Today we need to establish the principles of curvature leading—hopefully—to a capability to produce interpolated curves instead of the lines of the triangulation. This requires some differential geometry.
We can think of a curve as a function x of some variable that changes continuously t, thus we have a curve x(t). In more than one dimension, this is a vector, .
The length of a curve, s, is also a function of t, s(t),
Equation (1)
Now lets do some examples. We will make a list of interesting curves, plot the curves, and then calculate their arc lengths.
Sine curve,
Cosine Curve
Logarithmic Curve
Tangent Curve
More Sines
Logarithmic Spiral
Other Trig
Lemniscates of Bernoulli
[1] Martin M. Lipschutz, (1969), Differential Geometry, McGraw-Hill Book Company, part of the famed Schaum’s Outline series.
[2] Alfred Gray, (1998), Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, 2nd Ed. CRC Press.